Sunday, 23 September 2012

NAKED EUROPE: Searching for a Soul Mate in Paris, Amsterdam, Venice, Austria, Sweden, the Basque Country, the Canary Islands, Iceland, Hamburg, Gibraltar and a bunch more.

I just hit the ‘approve button’ and sent NAKED EUROPE off to the printers. My tale of a young man searching for a soul mate around Europe is now available on Amazon in Paperback and should soon be available in other retail book stores online and brick-and-mortar stores as well.

NAKED EUROPE is the prequel to the Amazon best-seller KEY WEST.

Here’s the blurb from the back jacket:

NAKED EUROPE: Searching for a Soul Mate in Paris, Amsterdam, Venice, Austria, Sweden, the Basque Country, the Canary Islands, Iceland, Hamburg, Gibraltar, and a bunch more

Have you ever been to Europe?
Did you take your guidebook?
Did you meet that special someone?
Neither did I.
So now I’m on my way back, and I’m going to throw the guidebook in the pissoir this time and endeavor to find my soul mate in the real Europe  -- NAKED EUROPE.
Come with me in the hunt for romance as I roll around naked in the Midsummer night’s dew in Iceland (it’s a tradition!), discover the Jewish gèto in Venice, unearth where the Beatles exploded onto the scene in Hamburg, get sucked into acting in an X-rated film in Amsterdam, clash and crash teaching skiing to an insufferable Saudi prince and his magnum-toting bodyguards in the Austrian Alps, shower with the coed volleyball team in Stockholm, get blown out of a job in the Basque Country by ETA terrorists, and stay with me as I have my heart broken in Paris, discover where the circumcisions took place in Istanbul, get roughed up by Romanians in the Canary Islands, bomb valiantly in language school with a randy lass named ‘Kinkie’ on Spain’s glorious Costa Blanca and just when it looks as if I will never find someone to share adventure with, well …

Monday, 10 September 2012

Clear out that closet ... you just may find a gem

How often have you delved deeply into that dimly-lit foreboding place you rarely dare to tread -- the deep recesses of your walk-in closet?  Whilst bravely searching for those old sneakers you could swear were buried in there beneath the snorkel gear and badminton set, crouching down … you touch it … all slinky and smooth. No, not that, it’s that favorite tie you haven’t seen since possibly your 20th high school reunion.  And there’s more: the pants and jacket you must have worn that same Shiraz-fueled night and just thrown in a bundle waiting for the next visit to the dry cleaners. What a find. A whole great outfit -- you'd forgotten you even owned. Thought it had been long ago donated to Goodwill.

OK, now imagine doing the same thing with your computer.

I can’t remember a time when I didn’t write. Long before Microsoft, when Bill Gates was just a high school dropout; when my ‘portable computer’ weighed more than my 70lb baggage allowance on British Airways. Countless floppy disks, countless files and folders -- articles, ideas, chapters all gathering dust. Until the day I’m looking desperately for the password to Lands End online shopping account. In the dark recesses of dusty folders with unfamiliar names I stumble upon my long-forgotten gem: Of course I had ignored and forgotten about the yellow 'New folder' that contained another yellow folder that was entitled ‘Notes From an Idiot Abroad’ -- it should really have been called ‘A great book that you can publish a few years from now once Amazon has invented the Kindle’.

Inside that long forgotten folder was my next book: I TRAVELLED THE WORLD AS LOST LUGGAGE